
반지의 제왕- 왕의 귀환

인생멘토장인규 2008. 11. 16. 19:56


Gandalf Rides to Minas Tirith


Sam and Rosie Cotton


?wyn and the Nazg?


Nazg? at the Walls


Storming the Bank


In Haste to the White City


The Shadow of Sauron


The King of the Oathbreakers


Saruman is Overtaken


The End of the Age


The Domes of the Dead


The Aid of the Wild-men


?wyn and Faramir


Endgame on the Mountain


The Sun Unveiled


Across Gorgoroth


Departure at the Grey Havens


At the Court of the Fountain


?wyn and the Lord of the Nazg?


The Glittering Caves of Aglarond


Minas Tirith at Dawn


The Nazg?


At the Foot of Mount Doom